Baby Nursery Security Labels and Alert Tags

More than 7,000 church nurseries and daycare centers worldwide use nursery security labels and alert tags made by SafeKids, Inc.

A safer nursery, that is what every parent wants, and a vital part of having and maintaining a safer nursery is a check-in system. No matter which solution you have, the most important aspect is that it is easy to use and effective at accounting for the children. These Nursery Security Labels and Alert Tags provide an easy and effective solution.

An affordable check-in system - You can provide security for 50 kids for 52 Sundays for less than $350.00. Compare that to a typical church nursery pager system that can cost more than $2,000 for a small church. Easy to use, affordable and Parents love them!

Visit or Call:1-866-846-6339

No Software - No Hardware

These nursery labels are easy to use. They consist of two parts, the information label and the stub. Each part is numbered. Parents fill out the information part and it is attached to the child and They keep the stub. For the parent to pick up the child, they must have the matching number.

TIP: Post a sign at the entrance to each nursery room that says "Jesus Loves Your Children and So Do We! Security Stubs Must Be Presented When You Pick-Up Your Child". That way, even well known friends will understand when caregivers ask them to present their stub.

Church Nursery Security Lables and Alert Tags

Flexible numbering templates make it possible for SafeKids to meet your special needs, even if you use a digital number board. Some churches use different number ranges for different rooms such as 100-199 for the one-year-olds, 200-299 for the two-year-olds and so on. It is also common for churches to have several different label designs with different colors or number ranges.

A large selection of nursery Alert Tags and special use tags are also available. These alert tags are used to remind caregivers of any special medical or security concerns for a child.

For more information call: 1.866.884.6339
or visit

Product Information Sheet - Nursery Security Labels

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